Bitcoin Has No Value: People Bank’s Of China official announces further crackdown

August 30, 2021

Yahoo!Money on the Web

Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) and other cryptocurrencies “are not legal tenders and have no actual value support,” according to Deputy Director of the Financial Consumer Rights Protection Bureau of the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) Yin Youping.

According to a report by local news outlet People’s Daily Online, Youping said that cryptocurrencies are purely speculative assets. He also advised the public to increase its risk awareness and stay away from the crypto market to “protect their pockets.”

The PBoC official also said in anticipation of the possible crypto market rebound and their related operations in China, the central bank will monitor overseas cryptocurrency exchanges and domestic traders in collaboration with relevant authorities.

The institution also plans to crack down on the space by blocking crypto trading websites, applications, and corporate channels.

Per the report, PBoC — being a member of the Joint Conference to Deal with Illegal Fund Raising — actively cooperates with the lead department of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission.

As a result of this collaboration, the regulator created systems aiming for the monitoring, early warning, publicity, education, and overall combating of illegal fundraisings powered by cryptocurrencies and blockchains.

Youping explained that PBoC’s next step will be establishing a normalized working mechanism, continue putting high pressure on illegal cryptocurrency-related operations, and continue cracking down on crypto-related transactions.

Lastly, the report intimates that “if the general public finds clues about illegal fund-raising crimes, they must promptly report to the relevant departments.”

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