BitGive Launches Bitcoin-Powered Coronavirus Relief Fund

By Staff Writer

The first Bitcoin nonprofit BitGive, established in 2013 to support humanitarian efforts by using BTC, announced on Monday its new fundraising effort for people affected by the global pandemic.

Dubbed “BitGive COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund”, the blockchain-based platform is targeting an immediate goal of $20,000 in monetary relief for workers in the US for hard-hit Americans and Africans who have lost their jobs as well as for purchasing personal protective equipment for medical professionals and providing global funding for emergency aid.

Connie Gallippi, founder of BitGive said, “Covid-19 has affected our global community, and it will take all of us coming together and supporting each other to get through this. We are grateful to our partner nonprofits for helping us provide a fully transparent avenue for collective impact, directly assisting those in needs on the front lines.”

Donors will be able to choose between contributing in fiat or cryptocurrencies, and they can see how their donations are spent on BitGive’s donation tracking platform GiveTrack, the public platform, which promises full transparency, also includes details on fund implementation and impact.


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